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AFM 91-19 / TM 5-629 / NAVFAC MO-314
24 May 1989
(3) Post emergence -- application after weeds
After dipping, squeeze out the excess by pressing
emerge. Repeated treatments, or a sequence of
the brush or sponge against the inside of the
treatments at set intervals, are sometimes re-
container. Simply "paint" or dab the weed.
quired in order to kill weeds without excessive
Such devices are available commercially. When
injury to the turf. Always read instructions on
using this method, dilute the herbicide as if it
the label, and pay particular attention to limita-
were to be sprayed. Do not use full strength
tions on use.
chemical, or turf injury will result.
(6) Do not use equipment that has been
(2) Granular herbicides are ready to use as
used for herbicides to spray fungicides or insecti-
purchased. Granular herbicide particles are usu-
cides on other plants such as flowers or vegeta-
ally relatively large and drift less than liquid
bles. There may be enough herbicide residue in
sprays. Granular materials are best applied with
the sprayer to injure these plants.
a spinner type spreader. Use the spreader setting
c. Controlling Weed Grasses. Recommended
recommended by the manufacturer or listed on
herbicides are shown n attachment 10.
the herbicide label. Take extra precautions in
(1) Crabgrasses and other annual summer
applying fertilizer-herbicide "weed and feed'
grasses can be a problem in lawns in most areas
mixtures. Do not make second or third trips
of the United States. Preemergence herbicides
around trees and shrubs to give them an extra
applied before seed germination give the best
feeding of fertilizer, and do not use a fertilizer-
control. The best indicator of the right time for
herbicide mixture each time the grass needs
application is when the soil temperature reaches
50F. A less precise indication is when forsythia
(3) Liquid and wettable powder formula-
is flowering or when lilacs are about to bloom.
tions are added to water and applied as sprays.
In most warm- and cool-season turf grasses,
use a sprayer that can be adjusted to make a
DCPA, benefin, bensulide, pendimethalin, sidu-
coarse spray at a low pressure of less than 35
ron, and oxadiazon applied before the weed
lb/in2. On very small areas you can use a garden
seeds germinate provide control. Only siduron
sprinkling can. Care must be taken in handling
can be used on newly seeded, cool-season turf
sprays, especially herbicides such as 2,4-D, dich-
areas. Other materials have a specified waiting
loprop, mecoprop, and dicamba. Drift of even
period (2 months or more) before overseeding is
small amounts of these can damage trees,
recommended. If no rainfall is received within 2
shrubs, flowers, and vegetables. Make treat-
or 3 days after treatment, sprinkle irrigation is
ments only when there is little or no wind.
Usually 1 to 3 gallons of spray mixture per 1000
(2) In centipede, St. Augustine, and zoysia
ft2 of lawn are used. Within these limits, the
grasses, granular atrazine may be used (attach-
volume of spray used is not important. It is
ment 11) to control weeds such as crabgrass,
extremely important, however, to use the proper
Paspalum spp., spotted spurge, and several
dosage of herbicide per 1000 ft2. (To convert a
other annual broadleaf weeds.
per acre rate to a per 1000 ft2 rate, divide by
(3) Some of the other weedy annual sum-
mer grasses that can be controlled with preemer-
(4) The most convenient equipment for ap-
gence herbicides include barnyardgrass, fall pan-
plying sprays to small areas is the pressure or
icum, foxtail, and goosegrass. Goosegrass is
knapsack sprayer of 1- to 4-gallon capacity.
usually the most difficult to control.
These sprayers provide a fairly consistent vol-
(4) Some control of seedling and juvenile
ume of spray at low pressure and provide good
plants of crabgrass, foxtail, goosegrass, sand-
control in limiting the spray to the target area.
burs, and other annual summer grasses can be
Continuous agitation, by frequent shaking of
gained with postemergence use of feroxaprop in
sprayer tank, is necessary when using the wetta-
a single application, or methanearsonate herbi-
ble powder or emulsifiable formulations, or they
cides (DSMA, MSMA, CMA, and MAMA)
will settle out.
repeated in two to three treatments at 7- to
10-day intervals. To be effective, and to mini-
(5) One method of treating small patches
mize turf injury, soils should have enough mois-
and individual weeds is to use a small paint
ture to support active growth.
brush or sponge nailed or wired to a broomstick
(5) Goosegrass tends to be a problem where
or dowel. Mix a small amount of herbicide in a
soils are compacted, turf is thin, and preemer-
container that has a large enough opening SO
gence herbicides have not been used. Goosegrass
that the sponge or brush can easily be dipped.
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