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![]() AFM 91-19 / TM 5-629 / NAVFAC MO-314
Attachment 31
24 May 1989
There are many excellent references dealing with weed control and plant identification. The ones listed below
are not necessarily better than others, but are examples of what is available. The Defense Pest Management
Information Analysis Center (DPMIAC) can provide both technical information and additional references.
All state universities and state agricultural extension services in the United States have weed scientists who
can be helpful with local and regional problems. Many state universities also have weed identification
manuals and taxonomists who can provide assistance in weed identification.
Beste, C. E., Ed. 1983. Herbicide Handbook of the Weed Science Society of America, 309 West Clark St.,
Champaign IL 61820. Fifth Edition, p. 515. Includes basic information on chemistry, toxicology, and use of
all herbicides currently used in the United States, as well as other information relative to using herbicides.
Revised periodically.
Bovey, R. W. 1977. Response of Selected Woody Plants in the United States to Herbicides. USDA Agr.
Handbook NO. 493, p. 101. (Obtain from Superintendent of Documents, US Government Printing Office,
Wash DC 20402.) Brief discussion of herbicides and their use for controlling woody plants. Responses of a
great number of woody species to herbicides is presented in tabular format.
Correll, S. Donovan and Helen B. 1975. Aquatic and Wetland Plants of Southwestern United States.
Stanford University Press, Vol. I & II, p. 1777. Well illustrated description of species of the southwestern
United States. Many of the species covered are found in other regions. The Corrells broadly interpret
aquatic and wetland environments to include rivers, streams, lakes, marshes, and swamps of the region. The
two-volume set includes about 2,100 species, representing 567 genera, and 129 families. It has excellent
drawings of about 800 species.
Gangstad, E. O., Ed. 1982. Weed Control Methods for Rights-of-Way Management. CRC Press Inc., Boca
Raton, Florida, p. 280. Includes basic concerns for use of herbicides, weed control authorities and
regulations; formulations, handling, and application of herbicides; research studies; and aquatic rights-of-
way management.
Hodgson, Richard H., Ed, 1982. Adjuvants For Herbicides. Weed Science Society of America, 309 West
Clark St., Champaign, IL 61820. p. 144. Includes terminology, classification, and chemistry of adjuvants;
their uses, action, and fate in plants and soils; toxicology; regulation; and registration by EPA.
Klingman, C. C. and F. M. Ashton. 1982. Weed Science: Principles and Practices. 2nd ed. Wiley-
Interscience, New York. p. 449. A textbook on history and methods of weed control, biology of weeds,
science of herbicide-plant and herbicide-soil interactions, herbicide application technology, basic
information on herbicides, and applied weed control in different plant sites.
Mulligan, G., Ed. 1979. The Biology of Canadian Weeds. Agriculture Canada publication 1693. p. 380. An
indepth coverage of 32 weeds of Canada (that also occur in the northern United States) including:
description, geographic distribution, habitat, growth, reproduction, response to herbicides, and cultural
Skroch, Walter A. and Thomas J. Sheets, Eds. 1977. Herbicide Injury Symptoms and Diagnosis. The North
Carolina Agricultural Extension Service, Raleigh, N.C. p. 31. Includes colored pictures and discussion of
symptoms of action of 46 herbicides, and 11 other agents that cause similar symptoms, on numerous
desirable plants.
US Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, 1988. Aquatic Plant Identification and
Herbicide Use Guide. Technical Report A-88-9 Vols I and II, p. 222. Volume I provides information on the
use and fate of EPA approved and registered herbicides for managing nuisance aquatic vegetation. Volume
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