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2.1 PURPOSE. This chapter describes an Inspec-
tion/Assessment System designed to determine
facility and equipment condition and proper correc-
tive measures to obtain maximum utilization and
readiness at minimum cost. It discusses the con-
tinuous inspection program, types of inspections, in-
ventories, standards and inter-relationship of
inspection programs. The procedures provide sys-
tematic methods for identifying and reporting main-
tenance and repair work on a continuous basis and
arrangement of data for management decisions
based on priority.
2.2 INVENTORIES. Inventory data is basic to effective maintenance planning. Inven-
tories should be verified and updated during inspections.
Real Property Inventory for Class I and Class
2.2.1 Real Property Inventory.
II property owners is contained in NAVFAC Manual P-164, "Detailed Inventory of
Naval Shore Facilities." It is the basic reference for Control Inspection. Facility usage
should be reviewed during inspection and the activity Facility Planner notified of chan-
ges. Real Property Inventories are the responsibility of activity Facility Planners. Chan-
ges to property record cards shall be reported to the geographic EFD's/EFA's Facilities
Planning and Real Estate Department. The EFD/EFA will make revisions to the Navy
Facilities Assets Data Base (NFADB) which will be reflected in revised NAVFAC P-
164 publications. Utility Systems Inventories. Utility systems and components
are difficult to identify because facility numbers are not usually assigned. Pseudo facility
numbers may be assigned. Utility pseudo facility numbers should be composed of at
least two factors: (1) utility service code and (2) descriptive type service. Appendix A
provides a pseudo facility numbering guide. Inventories of systems and components are
the basis for developing preventive maintenance inspection and service of equipment.
Inventories should be sorted so frequency of inspection, priority data, replacement infor-
mation, etc. can readily be determined.
Listings should indicate systems or components that, if disabled, would:
Disrupt essential mission-related operations.
Endanger life and/or property.

Western Governors University

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