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on inspection records. Inspectors, Planner/Estimators, and Shop Supervisors should
know its use and intent. Inspectors should relate deficiencies to LMC Codes when class-
ifying deficiencies as Critical or Deferrable. It should also be used in work control to
determine priorities for job accomplishment. LMC Codes are defined in Table 2-1.
Table 2-1
(LMC Codes)
Code Classification Characteristics
Level of Maintenance
o Maintain economically to assure full safe and efficient
o Vital to mission
support for an indefinite period
o Active future of over 10 years
o Maintain economically to fulfill mission for the duration
o Important to mission
o Active future use of 3-10 years
of facility life or mission
o Limited importance to mission
o Limited maintenance on basis of planned remaining
o Substandard construction or
useful life
o Eliminate fire, health and safety hazards
future active life of less than 3
o Patch and reinforce instead of replacing wherever
o Infrequently or only partially
o Consider breakdown maintenance
o Limited maintenance to assure weather tightness,
o Inactive facilities
structural stability, protection from fire or erosion
(required during mobilization)
o Eliminate safety or health hazards
o Minimal maintenance to permit reactivation within the
period prescribed under mobilization plans
o Eliminate fire, safety and health hazards
o Surplus Facilities
o Prevent pilferage effecting final disposal action Condition Evaluation Standards. Condition evaluation stand-
ards are prescribed ratings for various defect classifications. Condition evaluation
ratings provide uniformity in assessing the condition of components or sub-components
of a facility. Evaluation procedures may be standardized by assigning numerical ratings
to specific conditions shown pictorially in respective condition evaluation standards
handbooks. The concept behind a handbook is for inspectors with different back-
grounds to be able to select the same rating from the handbook, thus providing a
uniform rating system throughout the shore establishment. Facility condition standards
are contained in selective MO manuals, such as, MO-102.1, MO-102.2, MO-102.3, MO-
102.4, MO-102.6, MO-103.9 and MO-210.9.

Western Governors University

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