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2.6.2 Intra/Inter-Services Support Agreements (ISSA). Formal Agreements to
provide support in a contractual-like manner by or between DOD components or
another federal agency/department. Intra denotes agreements between Navy com-
ponents, Inter denotes external Navy sources. The content of ISSAs should address the
same basic elements as MSA, as a minimum.
2.6.3 Engineering Evaluation (EE) of Existing Assets. Engineering Evaluation
is part of the Shore Facilities Planning System (SFPS) and is described in the "Shore
Facilities Planning Manual", NAVFACINST 11010.44 (series). SFPS planners rely on
information provided by on-site inspections, Control Inspection Reports, AIS, engineer-
ing investigations, and other technical studies. To assure high quality Shore Facilities
Planning documentation, Planner/Estimators and/or Control Inspectors should be as-
signed to assist EFD planners in on-site, visual inspections. Control Inspector back-
grounds and experience provide invaluable assistance to planners by:
Identifying undocumented facility use/users.
Defining user and host-tenant relationships.
Indicating adequacy of facilities for current use.
Determining siting adequacy for current use based on safety criteria.
Evaluating suitability of facilities for other uses.
Assessing facility condition (functional and physical) and citing major
2.6.4 Family Housing Programs. Family Housing inspections include:
Maintenance and Repair Inspection Program (MARIP). Its purpose is to
identify family housing maintenance and repair deficiencies. Program
responsibility lies with the EFD's Housing Division. Direction is
established in NAVFACINST 11101.94 (series).
Occupancy Inspection Program (OIP). The program includes four vital
inspections: make-ready, check-in, pre-termination, and termination.
They identify Command and occupant responsibilities, determine
condition of quarters, initiate good occupant relations, orient and instruct
the occupant on equipment operation, and ensure occupants understand

Western Governors University

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