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![]() n Identify facility maintenance and repair resource requirements and
provide a basis for developing a meaningful, executable resource plan.
3.3 INSPECTOR QUALIFICATIONS. Inspectors should have a technical trade back-
ground in electrical, mechanical or structural disciplines. Formal education in theory is
desirable. They should have the ability to write clear, concise, detailed descriptive
reports of facility condition. They need to be experienced in maintenance and repair
operations and skilled in inspection techniques, planning and estimating, maintenance
standards, safety, health and building codes. It is usually cost effective for inspectors at
small activities to possess a craftsman rate in one discipline with experience and/or
knowledge of the others. Working knowledge may be obtained from on-site training,
EFD/EFA or PWC training, correspondence courses, or instruction from schools or in-
dustrial facilities. A basic understanding of micro computers and the ability to become
proficient in their use is recommended. Training and experience requirements are con-
tained in Office of Personnel Management Standards. Basic Control Inspection Pro-
gram Training can be attained by completing two-phased training offered by
EFDs/EFAs: Phase 1 (Control Inspector Training) and NTTC-160 Correspondence
course (Phase II) available from NAVFAC Code 161,8530 La Mesa Boulevard, La
Mesa, CA 92041. Control Inspection can be performed by engineers, Inspection Branch
or contractor personnel.
3.4 SCHEDULING CONTROL INSPECTIONS. Control Inspection workload should
be balanced with available capability and scheduled annually. This provides the most ef-
fective method of identifying and processing deficiencies. Facility inspection scheduling
documentation should be administered and maintained by the Work Generation
Branch. Where PWMA/BEST is installed, the Shore Facilities Inspection (SFI)
module can perform this function (see Chapter 8).
3.4.1 Frequencies. Recommended Control Inspection frequencies are con-
tained in Appendix B. Available resources may not permit inspecting at this frequency;
however, the frequencies in Appendix B have been established by CNO as a baseline for
consistent reporting purposes and as a desirable Navy goal. Activity Inspection frequen-
cies must, however, be based on available resources, facility mission, experience and en-
gineering judgment.
3.4.2 Scheduling Considerations. When developing inspection schedules, cer-
tain variables to consider are:
n Activity resources available for Control Inspection.
n Time for each discipline to inspect a facility (See Section 3.4.3).
n Team size. When possible, Inspection teams should be formed. Teams
offer complementary experience and training, provide safety backup and
maximize transportation utilization. This permits technical discussions
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