See Chapter 1 Paragraph for
discussion of Facilities Management Program appraisal responsibilities. With respect to
the Control Inspection process, the FMED should be concerned with whether inspec-
tions are conducted as planned; if inspections are thorough and accurate; if recommen-
dations are technically sound; and if cost estimates are accurate within acceptable limits.
The FMED should conduct random follow-up inspections to verify effectiveness. Cost
effectiveness can be compared to the actual cost of correcting comparable items.
4.5 FACILITY MAINTENANCE PLANNING. Congressional interest in the use of
Maintenance of Real Property (MRP) funds, especially the portion used to reduce main-
tenance and repair backlog reported on the AIS, established the need to develop a
Maintenance Action Plan (MAP) comprised of AIS items to be accomplished with
Maintenance and Repair (M&R) funds. The MAP is the activity's plan for spending
MRP funds available for Minor and Specific work (LCC 06 and 07). This generally ap-
proximates 30% + 5% of M&R funding available. NAVFAC MO-321 provides
clarification of Labor Class Codes. The MAP is a list of individual line items selected
from the latest AIS (Code 1 deficiencies) which are the most critical, mission essential
deficiencies. It should be prepared concurrent with the NAVCOMPT Budget and pro-
vide a firm spending plan for the Current Year portion of the Budget. Execution
against the MAP must be continuously tracked to be effective. Some major claimants
require submission of the MAP as part of the Navy Comptroller Budget package.
Claimants may establish varying target amounts for MAP development, e.g. 75% of
Minor and Specific "resource availability" as a MAP target. Procedural guidelines for
developing a MAP are contained in Appendix F. Maintenance planning uses the results
of the inspection program for multi-year programming. It also relies on accurate facility
and equipment historical records. A longer plating horizon (normally five years) per-
mits more efficient resource allocation and contract execution. This usually is more
economical and permits better prioritization of deficiencies adversely affecting mission
and readiness. If a five-year plan is desired, an estimated "Plan-Year" should be as-
signed to Deferrable deficiencies to enable programming in the appropriate year. Out-
year planning must consider anticipated funding. The Detailed Deficiency List
Inspection Report format is ideal for indicating "Plan-Year" at the time of deficiency
identification. Public Works Centers have established a Long Range Maintenance Plan-
ning (LRMP) Program which is a service available on a reimbursable basis. Training of
activity personnel and installation of the LRMP Program is also available from the
More details, including inspection times, are in Appendix G or obtained by contacting
the nearest Public Works Center. LRMP provides the activity with systematic, in-depth
documentation of maintenance and repair requirements forecasted over a multi-year
planning cycle. This information is used to formulate funding strategies and to allocate
resource dollars to critical mission needs and to predict future facility requirements.