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5.1.2 Management Prerequisite. If a PMI program is to function properly, full
management support is essential. Many programs of this nature falter shortly after a
vigorous beginning. Management must assign priority to this program to ensure its
development, implementation, and continued accomplishment, with dynamic follow-up
to ensure acceptable performance.
5.2 PMI INSPECTOR QUALIFICATIONS. PM Inspectors should hold a craftsman rate
in their respective trades. They should be able to execute written instructions contained
in the work authorization containing checkpoints and frequency of work to be per-
formed. They should be able to detect abnormal equipment conditions and communi-
cate needs in clear, concise, details to supervision and FMED via PM feedback reports.
5.3 ESTABLISHING A PMI PROGRAM. The following guidelines are needed to estab-
lish a PMI Program.
5.3.1 PMI Inventory. An inventory of all dynamic equipment needs to be
developed. Formal record keeping, either manual or automated, is essential. When es-
tablishing the inventory, facilities and systems should be subdivided based on their
relationship to mission, i.e., direct mission, indirect mission and non-mission related.
Identify each piece of critical equipment and its components. Research these to deter-
mine the number of different procedures involved with each component that must be
scheduled and performed and at what frequency. Once the number of components and
procedures has been determined, inspection guides, checkpoints and frequencies will be
needed for each procedure. A sample PMI record card for a manual system is shown in
Figure 5-1. Equipment History Files should be set up for each piece of equipment.
These files should contain manufacturers' literature, parts lists, drawings, etc., as well as
completed PM cards. When establishing a PMI Program, it is important to involve
Maintenance and Utilities Division personnel. Their corporate knowledge is critical in
developing inventories, establishing checkpoints, and assigning priorities. The
mechanic is the most important person in determining the job to be done as well as the
most effective and efficient way to get it done. A PMI Inventory Record sheet, Figure
5-2 provides an example of procedures, decision points and necessary implementation
Equipment of marginal mission importance should be excluded from the program.
Overstatement of requirements can cause loss of interest by shop personnel if they see
work authorized that is not critical to activity needs. The inventory should contain a
spare parts catalog frequently needed by the mechanics.
5.3.2 PMI Contractor Assistance. Contractor assistance may be obtained to es-
tablish inventories and perform other functions to establish a PMI Program. Commer-
cial firms can conduct inventories, label equipment, establish checkpoints and
inspection guides, determine frequencies and generate PMI schedules. The activity