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b. Action-EFD. The EFD shall provide appropriate entries in Blocks 7 and 14.
c. Subparagraph Numbers. Refer to Numbered Blocks or Columns on Forms
NAVFAC 9-11014/48 and 9-11014/48A.
(1) From. Insert abbreviated title of Command and Activity forwarding
report. If "By Direction" is not applicable, xxx it out. Indicate date report was forwarded.
(2) To. Insert title of Command or Office to whom report is to be sent, i.e.,
"Commander, NAVFAC (16)."
(3) Via. Insert title of the appropriate Command or Commands through
which the Summary will be forwarded.
(4) Property. Identify the property or facility being reported, for example,
"NAD Underground, " "Former MCAS Eagle Mtn. Lake."
(5) For Year Ending. Show date for end of period covered by this report.
(6) Sheet. Show sheet number and total number of sheets in report.
(7) Lease or Contract No. Show lease or contract number, if applicable. If
none, insert "None." For purpose of this report, licenses or permits are considered
(8) Inspection By. Indicate the activity which performed the inspection, such
as EFD, MCBC, etc.
(9) First Endorsement. To be completed by the first Command shown in
Block 3 Indicate date report was forwarded. If "By Direction" is not applicable, cross it
out. Comments may be added on either Form NAVFAC 9-11014/48 (9-69), or 9-
11014/48A (9-69), if space is available, otherwise use attached sheets. If comments are
not applicable, cross out item 2, "Comments attached." Additional endorsements, if re-
quired, may be made at the end of the summary.
(10) Copies To. Indicate by abbreviated titles those Commands or offices
to whom copies of this report are to be forwarded.
(11) Lessee, Owner. Check appropriate box and provide name and address
of lessee or owner.

Western Governors University

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