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13. NAVFAC MO-200, Facilities Engineering -- Electrical Exterior
14. NAVFAC MO-205, Central Heating & Steam Electric Generating Plants
15. NAVFAC MO-206, Operation and Maintenance of Air Compressor Plants
16. NAVFAC MO-209, Maintenance of Steam, Hot Water and Compressed Air
Distribution Systems
17. NAVFAC MO-210, Maintenance & Operation of Water Supply System,
Treatment & Distribution Systems
18. NAVFAC MO-230, Maintenance & Operation of Petroleum Fuel Facilities
19. MIL-HDBK-1130, Inactivation, Caretaker Maintenance and Reactivation
of Shore Facilities
20. NAVFAC MO-312, Wood Protection
21. NAVFAC MO-321, Facilities Management
22. NAVFAC MO-322, Inspection of Shore Facilities Volumes 2 and 3.
23. NAVFAC P-68, Contracting Manual
24. NAVFAC P-72, Department of the Navy Facility Category Codes
25. NAVFAC P-164, Detailed Inventory of Naval Shore Facilities
26. NAVFAC P-318, Organization and Functions for Public Works Departments
27. NAVFAC P-349, NAVFAC Documentation Index
28. NAVFAC P-700, (Series), Engineered Performance Standards
29. NAVFAC P-716, Unit Price Standards Handbook
30. NAVFAC P-930, Navy Family Housing Manual