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The Maintenance Action Plan (MAP) is a list of high priority Minor and Specific type
work that is to be accomplished, either in-house or by contract within resources avail-
able. It is a resources execution tool that should be prepared in the spring (NAV-
COMPT/APPORTIONMENT) for the following fiscal year (FY). The MAP is part of
the overall MAP Maintenance Plan that includes a plan to accomplish specific high
priority items of maintenance and repair (M & R) work. The MAP is comprised of in-
dividual critical maintenance and repair (CMAR) items selected from a current update
of the Annual Inspection Summary (AIS). CMAR items have the highest priority and
should be selected from Investment Categories (IC) of greatest importance to the Major
Claimant and the activity. Detailed guidance for preparation of the AIS can be found in
the OPNAV Instruction 11010.34 series.
The first step in M&R budgeting and planning is to identify FA/M1 budget "require-
ment." This consists of determining the amount of valid resource needs for recurring
work such as Emergency/Service (E/S), Standing Job Orders (SJO), repetitive contracts,
Maintenance Shop and Facilities Management Engineering Division (FMED) overhead
support and non-recurring work such as Minor and Specific Jobs generated from AIS
Deficiency Code (DC) - one (1) items. Part "A" of Exhibit-1 contains a format for M&R
"requirements" identification.
Once determined, the next step is to carefully reduce "requirements" to what you must
live with in terms of actual funds available, i.e., the assigned FA/M1 dollar control.
Generally, fixed items such as E/S, SJOs, and overhead support can't be reduced below
a certain acceptable level. Flexibility nearly always must come from the amount of avail-
able funds that can be realistically allotted to Minor and Specific work, i.e., DC-1
CMAR deficiencies. Note - The AIS contains deferrable DC-1 M&R deficiencies
(DMAR) which are also part of "requirements" subject to funding consideration, i.e.,
they compete for available funds, but from a position of weakness, i.e., they're not criti-
cal. Funds remaining "after" funding fixed items is the starting point for the MAP and its
development. Part "B" of Exhibit-1 contains a format for Op-plan development and final
determination of that portion of Ml funds available for specific M&R items.
Appendix F-1

Western Governors University

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