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Priority or year of accomplishment recommendations are made by the inspector using
criteria compatible with published AIS guidance, i.e., OPNAV Instruction 11010.34B.
Priorities assigned are:
1st year
Critical Deficiencies
Deficiencies that need to be accomplished in one year and will result in at least one of
the following: loss of mission, catastrophic environmental, quality of life, or safety.
2nd and 3rd year
Deferrable Deficiencies
Deficiencies which do not display signs of imminent system failure, but rapid deteriora-
tion is evident with the system nearing the end of its life expectancy.
4th and 5th year
Deferrable Deficiencies
Deficiencies which display some deterioration. The system is functional but nearing its
life expectancy within five years. Fourth and fifth year deficiencies should be re-
evaluated prior to funding consideration (at least every 3 to 5 years).
A comparison of Control Inspection and Long Range Maintenance Planning is difficult
because each system has it's own unique advantages. Exhibit-2, Control Inspection/Long
Range Maintenance Planning Comparative Analysis, outlines significant components of
each system.
For additional information, assistance, or installation of the Long Range Maintenance
Planning system contact the nearest Public Works Center, NAVFAC Code 161, or En-
gineering Field Division/Engineering Field Activity (EFD/EFA).
Appendix G-3

Western Governors University

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