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Ammunition Storage (Aboveground) -Continued
n Sodded areas:
Poor condition, presence of bare spots
Weeds, trash, debris, or other detrimental conditions constituting a
fire hazard or tending to promote erosion
Inorganic Mulch (gravel, slag, etc.):
Insufficient thickness
Vegetation growing through
Torn or missing insect screens
Water leakage
n Grounding Connections: Test with earth ground tester or ohmmeter to
assure electrical continuity and maximum ground impedance and a
megger to assure isolation to the building. Refer to Chapter 7, Electrical
Inspection Guide, Grounds and Grounding Systems. Check for:
Mechanical Damage
5.2.3 Antenna-Supporting Towers and Masts: Comply with all current safety
precautions. Check for:
n Foundations:
cracked, broken, or spalled concrete
exposed reinforcing
movement or settlement
heaving from frost action
Anchor Bolts and Straps:
loose, missing, or damaged parts

Western Governors University

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