5.3.11 Pavement : Divide the pavement area into Branches, Sections using MO-
102.5, Pavement Maintenance Management. This will translate inspection results into
types of distress and rate the severity level. Use NAVFAC MO-102.1 (Asphalt Sur-
faced Roads and Parking Lots), NAVFAC MO-102.2 (Jointed Concrete Roads and
Pavement-Continued Parking Lots), NAVFAC MO-102.3 (Asphalt Surfaced Air-
fields), NAVFAC MO-103.4 (Jointed Concrete Airfields). They contain pictures of
types of distress in asphalt and concrete pavements along with providing the inspector
with a method of determining the severity rating. Record the distress types and their
severity levels. Then calculate the pavement condition index (PCI). The PCI measures
the pavement's structural integrity and surface operating condition on a scale from 0-
100, where 0 = failed and 100 = excellent condition. Use a PCI chart to rate the pave-
ment condition for repair or replacement.
5.3.12 Stair: Each situation must be assessed by the Inspector before preparing
an estimate. Normally stairs are only repaired.
5.3.13 Waterfront: Generally the waterfront facilities should be repaired. If re-
placement is considered, request that an engineering evaluation be done to better assess
the situation.
5.3.14 Window:
n Steel:
General good condition
Proper operation
Good fit
Badly rusted window frame
Leaks evident
Single pane
Many broken, cracked, or deteriorated frames
Poor frame to wall connection
Poor operation
Poor fit