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Wood Poles and Accessories-Continued
that all line wires attached to the pole are deenergized and provided with safety ground-
ing. Poles supporting only telephone open wires or telephone aerial cables should not
be climbed unless an obvious defect indicates the necessity of climbing to permit a
closer inspection. It is essential that questionable poles be tested and supported before
the pole is subjected to the unbalanced load caused by climbing for closer inspection.
Particular attention shall be given to weather conditions, power hazards, traffic warning
procedures, and tree and brush cuttings. Check for:
n Ground Area:
water ponding at base
debris, trash, or weeds within 3 feet in any direction
n Poles: Visual Inspection, Except as Indicated:
sound-test with unpointed hammer for hollowness caused by
termites, carpenter ants, and/or decay fungi. Sounding should be
from groundline to the highest point reached from standing
position; actual condition of questionable poles should be
confirmed by drilling a 3/8" hole(s) with a wood bit to center of pole
in the area under suspect. Test holes must be plugged with a 7/16"
perservative treated wood dowel. Check for external decay most
prevalent in the vicinity of the ground-line area, knotholes, large
splits and checks, and in and around woodpecker holes
lightning, bird, insect, vehicle, or other damage
make shallow excavation around pole and take increment boring if
a faulty condition below ground is suspected. (Upon completion of
boring treat hole with wood preservative, drive treated plug into
hole, sterilize soil, backfill and tamp excavation.)
ground-line treatment of untreated poles required in addition to all
poles in-service at least ten (10) years. Pole ground-line
re-treatments should be conducted on a ten year cycle. Preparers of
pole maintenance contracts should refer to NAVFAC Specification
TS-20212 for guidance.
failure of originally installed protective treatment of pole
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