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(3) Use tire chains or snow tires on ice or snow;
however, they are only an aid to increase traction and
will not eliminate the necessity for added caution.
(4) Slow down when approaching bridges,
overpasses, and shady areas in the road; surfaces in such
areas often freeze before regular roadway surfaces and
remain frozen longer.
(5) Keep the outside of the windshield and windows
clear of snow, ice, and frost at all times; use extreme
caution when driving in fog.
(6) Apply brakes with a light pumping action to
prevent skidding; use engine compression to help control
the vehicle.
(7) Signal well in advance to warn others of an
intended stop or turn.
(8) Use headlights on low beam in order to be seen
during rain, fog and other adverse conditions.
HIGHWA Y SYSTEM DRIVING. Those super highways
designed for high speed driving require drivers to be
more skillful and alert to avoid accidents. Federal law
limiting speed to 55 miles per hour has reduced the
hazard to some degree. However, there are many
drivers using these highways that do not obey the posted
speed limits. These are the drivers that you must be
alert for, especially when entering super highways and
when changing lanes. Wherever there is the slightest
doubt, yield to traffic before making a maneuver.
While traveling,  allow necessary distance between
vehicles for safe stopping; avoid highway hypnosis by

Western Governors University

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