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pulling away from a parking space at a curb), an arm
signal can be seen and understood easier than  a
flashing light at the rear of your car-especially if
there is another vehicle parked behind yours. Giving a
signal does not give you the right-of-way; a signal
merely avoids confusing the other drivers, and helps
them and you to avoid accidents.
Using the Horn. The horn shall be used only
as a warning signal. Using the horn is not a substitute
for yielding the right-of-way.
9 . 1 3 STOPPING DISTANCES. As the speed of a
vehicle increases,  t h e distance required to stop
increases at a much greater proportion. For example:
a car traveling at 20 mph may stop within 43 to 47
feet, according to road conditions. But, at 60 mph, it
will not stop in less than 251 feet, and may require up
t o 3 6 6 f e e t .  Although the speed was tripled, the
stopping distance, under ideal conditions, increased at
least 5 times (Figure 20).
Driver Reaction Time. It takes a great deal
more braking power and requires a much greater
distance to slow a vehicle from 50 to 40 miles per hour
than it does from 30 to 20 miles per hour. A careless
driver, failing to recognize or properly understand this
fact, may enter curves at too high a rate of speed or
fail to maintain the proper interval between vehicles
moving at high speeds.  Vehicle brakes cannot be
applied instantly.  Y o u m a y b e s u r p r i s e d a t t h e
distance your vehicle will travel from the time you
take your foot off the acclerator and depress the brake
pedal until the brakes actually take effect. At 40

Western Governors University

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