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1.3.1 Review of Manual Structure, You will be asked to flip back and forth
through the manual to familiarize yourself with the location of the different sections.
Take time to actually look at the pages being described. A good understanding of
the structure of the manual will make it more useful to you.
1.3.2 Worksheets, Most chapters feature worksheets near their ends. They
are designed to be copied and used for the solar system being serviced.
The' worksheets can be "customized" for your particular needs and preferences.
Where they are not appropriate for the specific system under service, modify the
worksheet to meet your needs.
It is recommended that the completed worksheets be three-hole punched and
inserted into a loose-leaf notebook. The notebook becomes a permanent service
history of the solar heating system.
1.3.3 Self-Study Questions, At the end of each chapter, questions for self-
study are printed. The answers to all the questions appear at the very end of the
manual in Appendix F.
The questions can be used to confirm your understanding of the material in the
chapter, or as part of a more formal training program.
1.3.4 Appendices. The manual contains six Appendices. Appendices A and
B present Generic System Designs and Design Guidelines respectively. Although
not a complete solar design manual, these Appendices can be used to determine
when system problems are actually caused by design errors.
Valuable information on tools, spare parts and parts suppliers is contained in
Appendices C and D. Appendix E is a chart detailing which materials and fluids are
compatible. Appendix F is the answers to all the self-study questions at the end of
the chapters. You should scan these Appendices to learn what types of information
they contain, and use them as a reference when needed.
1.3.5 Notes. Cautions and Warnings. Boxes containing notes, cautions
and warnings appear throughout the manual. Their purpose is to alert you to an
important aspect of the topic being discussed.