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Sacrificial Anode
Unscrew and inspect the sacrificial anode in steel tanks with glass linings. The pipe
dope used by the manufacturer makes the rod difficult to remove the first time. After
inspection, clean this dope off the threads and use teflon tape. This will make
subsequent removal easier.
If only a few inches of anode rod are left, replace it. If the distance between the tank
top and the ceiling prohibits installing a straight anode rod, use a sectioned rod.
This looks like links of sausage, and eliminates having to disconnect the tank.
Fittings and Piping
Check all fittings for leaks and evidence of corrosion. Insulation on piping must be
complete. Insulation jacketing, if used, must be intact.
Temperature and Pressure Relief Valves
Leaking or inoperative temperature and pressure (T & P) relief valves must be
replaced immediately. The usual standard valve for tanks connected to city water
pressure is 210F/125 PSI.
Never, under any circumstances, use a pressure-only relief valve in
place of a temperature and pressure relief valve.
Heating Element
If the tank has a back-up electric element, be sure the sensor and back-up element
wiring are separated by at least one foot.