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activity must provide a maintenance program and organization which
1) ensures that adequate maintenance is performed, and 2) documents
these maintenance actions. How the command organization is to be
established for the conduct of maintenance is dependent on many
factors such as hyperbaric system size and complexity, personnel
manning, personnel qualifications, mission, availability of outside
maintenance, funding availability and contracting ability.
activity should analyze the particular mission requirements for
their hyperbaric facility, determine the maintenance requirements,
define the maintenance resource (funding, personnel, and equipment)
available to the command, and then develop an organization to
ensure the accomplishment of maintenance.
At most commands hyperbaric facility maintenance should be
conducted through a mix of many assets such as:
Divers assigned to the command.
Other command maintenance personnel.
Contract maintenance personnel.
Public Works maintenance personnel.
(shipyards, SIMAs, Navy Laboratories, etc.).
The complexity of the maintenance tasks required on hyperbaric
systems prohibits staffing, funding and providing equipment assets
suitable for performing all possible types of maintenance within
most commands.
The maintenance organization established should
reflect the various maintenance activities required to maintain a
safe certifiable system and establish the normal sources selected
to perform these actions.
Only after this is done can the spare
parts systems,
funding requirements, maintenance procedures,
maintenance program and special equipment assets be identified to
support hyperbaric facility maintenance requirements.
Activity Certification Organization. Each command
responsible for maintenance and operation of hyperbaric systems
must have personnel assigned who are knowledgeable with the NAVAL
FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND Certification Program. The command
has the responsibility to ensure the system remains certified. T o
do this, some organizational responsibilities must be clearly
defined. The command must establish an organization which provides
for and meets the requirements of the NAVFACENGCOM certification
program. The command organizational structure should define the
1) that system certification is
responsibility for ensuring:
maintained, and 2) that an adequate maintenance program and
supporting records are kept in the command. An appropriate command
certification instruction and personnel responsibilities for the
certification effort should be formally designated in writing. The
certification organizational responsibilities should be carefully
thought out so as to support the maintenance organization and
system certification program intent without causing undue system
Personnel with certification
down times and maintenance costs.