Alterations. An alteration is an approved permanent
change from the as-certified design, material, configuration or
performance. This includes any change which affects the pressure
containing capability of the system and non-physical changes such
as an increase or decrease in the maximum allowable working
Included under alterations are actions such as:
rerouting of piping, material changes to piping or components,
component additions or deletions, and component replacements which
change performance characteristics.
It is emphasized that alterations require approval from the
NAVFAC SCA prior to making the changes to the facility. This prior
approval includes the review of the proposed alteration(s) to
verify that the submitted drawings and supporting documentation
comply with applicable standards, specifications and authoritative
requirements documents.
Alterations should not be confused with departures from
specifications. Departures are temporary approved changes which
do not require the update of associated system documentation and
Alterations are permanent approved changes to the
facility, which do require the update of system documentation and
Overhauls. Overhaul maintenance consists of those
maintenance actions performed during a designated period, normally
every three to six years.
During an overhaul period major
maintenance actions a r e accomplished
such as:
rebuilding, storage flasks refurbishment/replacement, major piping
system changes, and pressure vessel modifications. Additionally,
outstanding repair actions, pending alterations and outstanding
departures from specification may be included in the overhaul
"package" depending on available funding.
The major concern of the hyperbaric facility manager, with
respect to an overhaul, will be funding for the maintenance work
to be conducted. Both O&MN and Special Project Funds are normally
involved, so advanced planning and close liaison with the major
claimant by the command are necessary.
Maintenance Notification Approval Requirements.
This section provides guidance concerning the proper notification
and subsequent approval of maintenance performed on man-rated
hyperbaric facilities. Notification and approval is dependent upon
Table 3-1,
the HAZCAT of the system/component involved.
Maintenance Notification and Approval Requirements for Man-Rated
Hyperbaric Facilities, shall be complied with if required by the
SCA during certification of the facility.