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technical manuals, technical bulletins, etc.).
Maintenance Check-off Sheets which include the materials,
tools, personnel and procedures required to properly perform the
Documentation of the equipment conditions found while
conducting maintenance (can be incorporated into and recorded on
the Maintenance Procedure Check-off Sheets). Commands using PMS
will use the Maintenance Data System (MDS).
Maintenance Periodicity.  All equipment maintenance
actions shall be assigned periodicity codes which reflect how often
The following periodicity codes shall
they are to be performed.
be used:
24M - Every 24 Months
W - Weekly
36M - Every 36 Months
M - Monthly
60M - Every 60 Months
Q - Quarterly
72M - Every 72 Months
S - Semiannually
A - Annually
NOTE:  Should the need arise, commands may use other periodicity
codes (e.g., 18M - Every 18 months, 2W - Every 2nd week, etc.).
For maintenance actions which do not have regular performance
periods the following codes shall be used:
*R - Situation Requirement ("As Required")
U - Unscheduled  Maintenance
NOTE:* - Situation Requirements are used as scheduling reminders
for  equipments  such  as  compressors,  which  require  maintenance
either periodically or after a fixed number of operational hours
(i.e., annually or every 600 hours, the more frequent is followed).
Each maintenance action will be assigned a title, periodicity
code and number which uniquely identifies that maintenance action
(E.g.: #1 L.P. Compressor Filter, A-l; Operate and Leak Test Piping
Valves, M-2).  Additional guidance on maintenance requirements and
periodicity is provided in Section 6 of this chapter.
Scheduling and Monitoring Maintenance.
This  schedule  shall  list  scheduled
Cycle  Schedule.
maintenance for all equipments during a complete maintenance cycle.
This cycle will be established by the command and may be set to
coincide  with  major  events  such  as  an  overhaul  period  or  a
certification tenure period.  No prescribed format is required for
this cycle schedule, however, the format provided in Figure 3-1 is
The hyperbaric facility manager shall be directly
responsible for maintaining this cycle schedule.

Western Governors University

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