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1.1 PURPOSE. This manual provides guidelines for the use of waste oil as a
supplemental fuel in Navy boilers. The subject matter is tailored to serve
various groups and to meet the needs of a variety of users at different
levels of management and operation.
1.2 SCOPE. Chapter 1 contains background information on waste oil genera-
tion. Chapter 2 is organized to provide information for Public Works
Officers and planners. Topics include: sources of waste oil, restrictions
on use as fuel, boiler fuel requirements, boiler fuels, air quality
considerations, and economics of burning waste oil. Chapter 3 is designed
to provide procedural information for operators using the oil as boiler
fuel. Methods of segregation and centralized storage are discussed; and
the need for treatment of the waste oil prior to burning is outlined.
Parameters for physical/chemical testing are provided, and methods of
viscosity control and of blending the waste oil into the normal boiler fuel
are reviewed. The need for burner equipment modification and unique
maintenance and operational requirements are discussed.
The following terms should be familiar to the reader.
1.3.1 Oily Waste. For the most part, oily waste comes from ship bilges
and various clean-up operations. The major parts of its contents are
water, solids, and other contaminants. The oil makes up only a small
percentage of the mixture.
1.3.2 Waste Oil. This term refers to the oil after it has been
separated from its contaminants (basically water and solids).
1.3.3 Fuel Oil Reclaimed (FOR). FOR is oil that has been processed by
a Naval Supply activity through a low-temperature heating and settling
facility to remove suspended water and sediment to meet appropriate
specifications. FOR is then usually reissued or blended into other fuel.
The military specification for FOR is given in Appendix A.
1.4 DISPOSAL. In the past, waste oils have been disposed of by either
dumping them, using them for dust control, burning them during firefighting
training, or contracting for their removal. Environmental regulations now
prohibit either dumping them or using them for dust control. Since the
waste oils have practically the same energy content or heating value as
regular fuel oils of comparable densities, using them as fuel in boilers is
a more productive disposal alternative. Using waste oil as boiler fuel
will also reduce both new fuel oil consumptions and fuel costs.
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