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TM 5-685/NAVFAC MO-912
B-3. Fuel storage maintenance procedures.
paragraph C-lb( 1) through (5). Perform the follow-
ing checks when cleaning filters for a natural gas
a. Provide the base engineer's office with the re-
ports and results of inspections performed in para-
(1) Inspect the solid particles removed by fine
graphs C-lc and C-2c. The base engineer will re-
screen filters. Determine if the particles are dust or
view this data and take appropriate corrective
dirt, or the type of metal if metallic.
action which may include any or all of the following.
(2) Inspect water accumulation for acid or al-
(1) Add an a ntioxidant to prevent oxidation or
kaline content.
"aging" of a fuel.
c. Storage. Methods and problems for storing dis-
(2) Add a fungicide or biocide to destroy organ-
tillate (liquid) fuels are described in paragraph
isms present in the water beneath stored fuel.
C-lc. Information relating to storing natural gas
(3) Add a metal deactivator because metals in
fuel follows:
fuel catalyze or speed up oxidation. Inhibitors that
(1) Natural gas can be stored in low pressure
place an amine film on metal surfaces are available.
surface containers or high pressure sub-surface con-
Amines are organic compounds that neutralize an
tainers and metal bottles.
electrical charge in metals.
(2) Liquefied natural gas can be stored in insu-
b. Note that any chemical or additive that is
lated metal tanks installed as sub-surface units.
added to stored fuel must be approved by the Envi-
(3) The type of storage employed for natural
ronmental Protection Agency. Also, the base engi-
gas depends on plant requirements and fuel avail-
neer's office should monitor the removal of bottom
water from storage tanks (refer to para B-1c).

Western Governors University

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