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![]() TM 5-685/NAVFAC MO-912
E-1. General.
(3) Do not touch any part of an operating en-
gine, as the engine becomes extremely hot. Wear
The base engineer and his representatives are re-
insulated gloves as necessary.
sponsible for general safety conditions, for enforce-
(4) Wear approved ear protection if the engine
ment of safety rules, and for the condition and use
is operating.
of all protective devices. The base engineer is re-
(5) Do not remain in the room or enclosure, or
sponsible for the competency of his representatives.
in the plane of rotation, when starting or monitor-
ing the engine.
E-2. Safe operation.
(6) Attach an approved safety clearance tag
Safe operational practices must be followed to pre-
such as DA Form 4324 to the starting control when
vent injury to personnel and damage to equipment.
work is being done.
These practices are applicable to diesel engines, gas
(7) Make sure the engine, generator, and re-
turbines, and generators including associated elec-
lated equipment are clean. Keep oil-soaked rags out
trical equipment. Protective devices include carbon
of the generating facility to avoid a fire hazard.
dioxide fire extinguishers and first aid kits. When-
c. Generators. Personnel must be familiar with
ever carbon dioxide extinguishers are used, enter
recommendations and procedures described in TM
the area where used cautiously. Make sure the area
has been ventilated thoroughly before entering.
E-3. Electrical safety.
Never use water to extinguish a fire in the engine,
generator, or associated electrical equipment.
a. General. All operating must be familiar with
the following general safety precautions.
a. Diesel engines. The engine operator must per-
(1) Do not rely on safety devices. Never assume
form the following visual checks before and during
power is off or disconnected. Use and/or look for a
safety clearance tag before working on high voltage
(1) Make sure engine coolant is at the proper
level and has the proper amount of antifreeze.
(2) Use rubber gloves, with valid "usefulness"
Check hoses for good condition.
certification, when working on equipment or trans-
(2) Make sure engine air requirements for com-
mission lines.
bustion are met. Check air filters and cleaners for
(3) Stand on good rubber mat when working on
cleanliness and good condition.
generator equipment or switchgear.
(3) Make sure the engine, generator, and re-
(4) Have a person qualified in first aid for elec-
lated equipment are clean. Keep oil-soaked rags out
trical shock present at all times when working.
of the generating facility to avoid a fire hazard.
b. Rescue of shock victims.
(4) Guard against accidental or unintentional
(1) Protect yourself with dry insulating mate-
starting when work is being done on the engine or
associated equipment. Attach an approved safety
(2) Open the circuit, wear rubber gloves to pull
clearance tag such as DA Form 4324 to the starting
the victim away from the live conductor. Do not
control when work is being done.
touch the victim with bare hands until the circuit is
(5) Make sure engine lubricant and fuel are at
the proper levels.
c. First aid. Look for hemorrhage, stoppage of
b. Gas turbines. The engine operator must be
breathing, wounds, fractures, etc. Indications of
alert for the presence of health and fire hazards.
shock include: pale face, clammy and sweaty condi-
Make sure the generating facility is well ventilated
tions, weakness, and a weak and rapid pulse. Do the
when using cleaning solvents. The following re-
following in any emergency.
quirements must be met when the engine room is
(1) Send for a doctor or carry the victim to a
(2) Make sure the victim is comfortable. Keep
(1) The gas turbine shall be shut down or lim-
the victim warm, quiet, and flat on the back.
ited to idle power.
(3) Loosen the victim's clothing. If breathing
(2) The enclosure door shall be kept open. If
has stopped, apply artificial resuscitation. Study
the gas turbine is operating, station an observer at
the procedures in TM 5-682, Section VIII. Do not
the enclosure door.
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