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historical resources, is the prime advocate for front line
historic and archeological resource management.
1.2.5 Shore Activity.  The activity is the first line of
responsibility in the identification and preservation of historic
resources.  The activity Commanding Officer is personally
responsible for ensuring that the legal requirements of historic
resource preservation programs and the spirit of those
requirements are met for all existing and potential historic
resources under his jurisdiction.
1.3.1 Department of the Interior (DOI).  Within DOI, the
National Park Service (NPS) is responsible for administering
historic and cultural resource programs, such as the National
Register of Historic Places.  An activity should use published
NPS standards for maintenance and repair (or "rehabilitation" in
preservationist's terms) of historic resources.  The Navy is not
in the business of "restoring" historic facilities.  NPS also
provides interagency archeological services that can be called
upon by NAVFAC and its EFDs in providing assistance to shore
1.3.2 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) .  The
ACHP advises the President and Congress on historic preservation
issues.  The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, amended
in 1980, created this independent agency, which reviews Navy
projects that may affect resources currently listed or eligible
for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.  The
ACHP'S review normally follows coordination with the State
Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO).
1.3.3 State Historic Preservation Officer.  The SHPO is
appointed by the governor of each state or U.S. territory to be
the technical and administrative point of contact for historic
preservation issues within the state.  This applies to federal
properties as well as state or territory properties.  The SHPO is
also available for advice and consultation on historic
preservation issues.  Coordination with the SHPO early in the
planning process will mitigate delays in review.  The Navy may
involve the SHPO in the technical process of selecting experts
and preparing scopes of work.  The SHPO should be involved in any
project that may affect a current or potential National Register
1.3.4 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) .  The National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 was established to ensure the
protection and enhancement of the environment.  Through the act,
EPA recognizes its part in ensuring preservation of the historic,
cultural, and natural aspects of our national heritage.

Western Governors University

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