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Guide to Mortar Mixes (Relative Mortar Strength) .
Figure 4-5.
Dinu Bumbaru, Heritage Montreal Foundation)
It may be hard to get a perfect color match.  Although
mortar color is determined mostly by the color of the sand
it contains, it is also affected by other factors, such as
colored additives and weathering.  To determine the
original mortar color, carefully clean (by washing or
gentle scraping) and examine joints in several different
locations on the building.  Unless you are matching a
gray-to-black mortar, always use white cement, not gray.
Color additives or manufactured tinted cements may be
used, but it is sometimes better to give time and
weathering a chance to soften the contrast between old and
newly pointed areas than to add color.  You may find that
the historic mortar contains additives such as salt or
sugar, but these are harmful and should never be added to
replacement mortar.

Western Governors University

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