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Heikkenen, Herman J. and Mark R. Edwards. "The Key-Year
Dendrochronology Technique and its Application in Dating
Historic Structures in Maryland."  APT Bulletin. XV No. 3
(1983): pp. 3-27.
Heller, Barbara Goiter. "Circumventing  Chlorofluorocarbons
in Building Uses. " Architecture (March 1989) pp. 125-126.
Historic Preservation Maintenance Procedures. [Washington, D.C.]:
Headquarters, Dept. of the Army, 1977.
Howe, Barbara J., Dolores A. Fleming, Emory L. Kemp, and Ruth Ann
Overbeck.  Houses and Homes; Exploring Their History.
Nashville, Term.: American Association for State and Local
History, 1987.  168 pp.
Howell, J. Scott. "Architectural Cast Iron: Desiqn and
Restoration." APT Bulletin. XIX no. 3 (1987): p. 51.
Identification of Historic Properties: A Decision Making Guide
for Managers. [Washington, D.C.]: Advisory Council on
Historic Preservation and National Park Service, September
Jacob, Judith, and Norman R. Weiss. "water Vapor Transmission:
Mortars and Paints." APT Bulletin. XXI nos. 3 & 4 (1989):
pp. 62-71.
Jandl, H. Ward. Technology of Historic American Buildings:
Studies of the Materials, Craft Processes and Mechanization
of Building Construction. Washington, D.C.: Foundation for
Preservation Technology, 1983. 224 pp.
Johnson, LeRoy Jr., Ed. Handbook of Maintenance Techniques for
Building Conservation in the Strand Historic District,
Galveston, Texas. Austin, Texas: Texas Historical
Commission, revised edition 1984.
Johnson, Walker C. and Hank Hart. "Copper Dome and Cornice
Restoration and Reconstruction: Foellinger Auditorium." APT
Bulletin. XXI no. 1 (1989): pp. 37-49.
Jones, Barclay G., ed. Protecting Historic Architecture and
Museum Collections from Natural Disasters. Boston:
Butterworths, 1986. 560 pp.
Jones, Larry. "Dry Up Your Wet Basement."
The Old House Journal.
(August-September 1984): pp. 150-51.
Jowers, Walter.
"How to Repair Stucco." The Old House Journal. (May
1985) pp. 80-83.
"Standing Seam Roofs."  The Old House Journal. XIII no. 2
(March 1985): pp. 35-48.

Western Governors University

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