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Stockbridge, Jerry G. "Architectural Terra Cotta Testing."
APT Bulletin. VIII No. 4 (1986): pp. 41-46.
"Repointing Masonry Walls." APT Bulletin. XXI No. 1
(1989): p. 10-12.
with Richard Lindstrom. "Evaluating Structural Capacity."
APT Bulletin. XX No. 3 (1988): pp.9-11.
with Robert A. Crist. "Pre-Quake Diagnostic Techniques."
APT Bulletin. XX No. 2 (1988): pp. 10-12.
with Richard S. Koziol. "Finding Water Leaks in Slate
Roofs." APT Bulletin. XIX No. 2 (1987): pp. 6-9.
"Masonry-wall Strength." APT Bulletin. VIII No. 4 (1986) :
pp. 6-7.
"Crack Evaluation and Monitoring." APT Bulletin. XVIII
No. 3 (1986): pp. 6-7.
Strangstad, Lynette. "Patching Brownstone." The Old House
Journal. (August 1982) pp. 161-4.
Tarkow, Harold. "The Characterization and Preservation of Wood."
Proceedings of the North American International Regional
Conference. Washington, D.C.: The Preservation Press, 1976.
pp. 101-115.
Tech Notes "Protecting Stairways." APT Bulletin. VIII No. 4
(1986): p. 82.
The Journal of Light Construction. 1233 Shelburne Rd., Suite Cl,
South Burlington, VT 05403. Monthly.
The Old-House Journal Catalog: A Buyer's Guide. Old-House
Journal Corporation, 435 Ninth St., Brooklyn, NY. 11217.
"Threatened Cultural Resources." CRM Bulletin, No. 11, 3 (June
1988) . Special issue. [Washington,D.C. ]: National Park
Service, Cultural Resources Management.
Timmons, Sharon, Ed. Preservation and Conservation: Principles
and Practices. Washington, D.C.: The Preservation Press.
1976. (See also selected individual chapters listed by
Tindall, Susan M. "Terra Cotta Replacement." APT Bulletin. XX
No. 3 (1988): p. 12.
"HOW to Prepare Project-Specific Terra Cotta
Specifications. " APT Bulletin. XXI No. 1 (1989): pp. 26 -
Torraca, Giorgio. "Brick, Adobe Stone and Architectural Ceramics:
Deterioration Processes and Conservation Practices."
Proceedings of the North American International Regional
Conference. Washington, D.C.: The Preservation Press. 1976,
pp. 143-166.