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district may also be composed of individually significant
architectural resources separated geographically but linked by
historic associations.
Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places. The National
Park Service official formally responsible for maintaining and
publishing the list of cultural resources that meet National
Register criteria of eligibility and for determining additions to
and deletions from the National Register of Historic Places.
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The formal written agreement
between\among the parties to a Section 106 consultation, pursued
in accordance with 36 CFR 800. The MOA usually accepts adverse
effects as being in the public interest and prescribes actions to
be taken to reduce or mitigate the adverse effects. Upon
execution by the Advisory Council, the MOA is evidence that the
Navy has complied with Section 106.
Mitigation. Planning that is intended to minimize or eliminate
damage to, or any other adverse effect on or incident to, a
historic resource. Under the NHPA Section 106, a mitigation plan
must be approved prior to the start of any undertaking involving
National Register properties.
National Historic Landmark. A property designated by the
Secretary of the Interior as having exceptional significance in
the nation's history. National Historic Landmarks are
automatically listed on the National Register and are subject to
all preservation requirements.
National Register of Historic Places. The official national list
of districts, buildings, structures, objects, and sites that are
significant in American archeology, architecture, culture,
engineering, and history, and have been determined to be worthy
of preservation. The Register is maintained by the National Park
Nomination. Formal notification to the Keeper of the National
Register that a property may be of historical significance and
appears to meet criteria of eligibility.
Object. A man-made feature that may be movable, but is related
historically to a specific setting or environment. Examples
include sculptures, cannons, mounted aircraft, anchors, ships
bells, ship's silver, monuments, foundations, pedestrian seats,
and above-ground remains of a human event or activity.
Overview Survey. A survey conducted to determine the likelihood
that National Register resources are present at a Navy
installation or activity. The overviews are based on review of
installation records and visual examination of potential
archeological sites and possible historic districts, buildings,
structures, or objects.