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must be reviewed by the Advisory Council.  Among the
circumstances that lead to "adverse" effects are: 1)
destruction or alteration of all or part of a property; 2)
isolation from or alteration of the property's surrounding
environment; 3) introduction of visual, audible or atmospheric
elements that are out of character with the property or alter its
setting; 4) neglect of a property resulting in its deterioration
or destruction; and 5) transfer or sale of a property without
adequate conditions or restrictions regarding preservation,
maintenance, or use.  A diagram of the basic steps for Section
106 review follows as Figure C-1.  The implementing regulations
for Section 106 are found in 36 CFR 800.
C.2.2.2 Section 110 of NHPA.  Created by the
incorporation of Executive Order 11593 into the NHPA through the
1980 amendments, this requires the Navy to locate and inventory
all sites, buildings, structures, districts, and objects under
its jurisdiction that appear to qualify for listing on the
National Register.  This is done with guidance from the Secretary
of the Interior and with the cooperation of the SHPO for the
state or territory involved.  Activity commanding officers
initiate the survey and inventory, which usually are carried out
under contract by historic preservation professionals.  The
survey and inventory process is critical to the Navy's historic
preservation planning, since the regulations for protecting
historic and cultural properties under NHPA apply not just to
properties which are listed on the National Register of Historic
Places, but also to those which may be eligible to be listed, and
even to those which have not yet been identified as potentially
eligible.  Specifically, Section 110 states that:
The Federal Government will ensure that Federal
plans and programs preserve and enhance federally
owned resources of historic or archeological
Agencies in coordination with DOI and SHPOs will
locate, inventory, and nominate resources that
appear to qualify for the National Register.
Agencies will protect Federally owned assets that
might qualify for the National Register.  Assets
will be protected from transfer, sale, demolition,
or substantial alteration.
Agencies will ensure proper recordation of
properties on the National Register that will be
demolished or substantially altered.  Records will
be deposited with the Library of Congress for future
use and reference.  These records are made under the
direction of the Historic American Buildings Survey
and Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/HAER)
pursuant to the Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for Documentation.

Western Governors University

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