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properties eligible for grants-in-aid or eligible for tax relief
for historic preservation.
C.2.4 36 CFR 63, Determinations of Eligibility for Inclusion
in the National Register of Historic Places. This regulation has
been written to help agencies recognize and nominate the
appropriate properties for the National Register. This
regulation also explains how to request determinations of
eligibility from the ACHP.
C.2.5 36 CFR 800. The Regulations for the Advisory Council on
Historic Preservation. This regulation shows the charter for the
organization and outlines the program of oversight and review to
be followed.
C.2.6 State Regulations. Each of the states and territories
and most local governments regulate historic properties in some
fashion. It is Navy policy to cooperate with preservation
agencies and organizations at all levels. The SHPO of each state
is responsible for preparing a master preservation plan for his
or her jurisdiction and must be consulted for help in identifying
and evaluating historic properties and in assessing potential
effects on them from Navy undertakings.
C.3.1 Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Archeology
and Historic Preservation. The Secretary of the Interior's
Standards for Archeology and Historic Preservation represent an
effort to integrate and systematize the activities of Federal
agencies, states, and other entities in preserving the cultural
heritage of the United States. The standards and guidelines for
their implementation were prepared by the Department of the
Interior under the authority of Sections 101 (f), (g), and (h) of
the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended. In
addition to the Standards for Rehabilitation described in Section
3.2, they include:
Standards for Preservation Planning;
Standards for Identification;
Standards for Evaluation;
Standards for Registration;
Standards for Historical Documentation;
Standards for Architectural and Engineering
Documental ion;
Standards for Archeological Documentation; and