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![]() d . Jered Vacu-Burn Sewage Disposal System. Sanitary wastes from
reduced-flush water urinals and water closets are collected and transferred by
vacuum to a storage tank. Waste is then either incinerated on board or trans-
ferred to a suitable facility for treatment in port.
e. GATX Mark I. This is an evaporative treatment system for medium-
sized vessels. It utilizes fixtures that use a low volume of salt water for
flushing. After each flush, a macerator/transfer pump is activated to transfer
the waste to an evaporator tank. When the evaporator tank reaches a set level,
heat is applied to evaporate some of the liquid. When 65 gallons of sludge is
accumulated, it is discharged. On an average, the sludge pump-out rate is 260
man-days, which is every 13 days for a twenty-man crew.
f. GATX Mark II. This is a collection system for small vessels which
utilizes a reduced-flush water closet and a holding tank. After each flush, a
macerator/transfer pump is activated, which transfers the waste and 1 to 3
pints of flush water to a 60-gallcn holding tank. When the holding tank
accumulates approximately 48 gallons, the tank is emptied via a sewage trans-
port pump, either overboard at sea or to a pier facility in port.
g. Kohler-Dayton Commodore. This is an electrically or manually flushed,
chemical recirculating toilet capable of holding 16 gallons of waste. Ini-
tially, 4 gallons of flushing fluid and a measure of chemical agent are added
to the holding tank. During operation, the wastewater is screened and used as
a flushing fluid. After approximately 160 uses, the waste contained in the
holding compartment is discharged to a suitable facility.
h. Monogram Model 641 Recirculating Toilet. This is a manually flushed,
chemical recirculating toilet capable of holding 4 gallons of waste and 3 gal-
lons of flushing fluids. After approximately 80 uses, the holding compartment
is discharged to a pierside connection facility for treatment.
i. Portable Chemical Marine Toilet. This is a manually flushed, self-
contained toilet which usually discharges into an attached holding tank.
Chemicals in the toilet tank deodorize the waste. When the tank is full,
either the tank or both toilet and tank are carried from the vessel and
j. Mansfield 912-M28 Marine Toilet. This device is a manually flushed
marine toilet mounted on an 8 l/4-gallon holding tank. The toilet requires an
external nonpressurized water supply. The holding tank is designed to hold an
average of 6 gallons of flush fluid, plus 2 gallons of waste. When the tank
is full, its contents are pumped to a shore collection facility.
k. Secondary, Biological Treatment System. This system is a thermally
accelerated, extended aeration system designed to treat sanitary waste from
commodes and urinals at an influent flowrate of 9,000 gallons per day. The
effluent is chlorinated and discharged overboard, or discharged to a shore
collection facility.
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