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![]() e. When enough hose is aboard the first submarine to reach the deck of
the outboard submarine, one member of the crew boards the outboard submarine
and takes a position opposite the location of the hose.
f. The member of the hose handling crew on the inboard submarine heaves
the hauling line over to the man waiting on the outboard submarine.
g. The sewage hose is hauled over to the outboard submarine by means
of the line and is connected to the sewage discharge riser on that boat.
h. The pier end of the hose is then connected to the pier sewer riser
by the shore crew, using a 4-inch to 2 l/2-inch adapter, and the hose is
arranged smartly across the decks of the boats without kinks.
i. Each additional sewage riser on the outboard submarine is connected
to the pier sewer in the same manner through its own hose line.
j. Sewage discharge risers on the submarine are opened by the boat
crew, and pier sewer risers are opened by the shore crew.
7.303 SUBMARINES NESTED AGAINST TENDER. The above steps outline the method
of connecting outboard submarines to the pier sewer. When submarine are
nested with a tender, the same steps are followed with several important
exceptions. These exceptions are:
a. The tender's hose handling crew takes the place of the shore crew.
b. The tender supplies the hoses, one per submarine; the hoses must be
shifted as each sewage tank is blown.
c. The submarines' sewage discharge hoses are connected to a boom on
the tender, rather than to risers on the pier, as shown in Figure 7-5.
d. Upon completion of ship-to-ship connection, the ship's hose handling
crew observes the newly connected hoses transfer sewage for at least five
minutes to make sure that they are functioning properly. HOSES SHOULD BE
7.3.4 THREE OR MORE NESTED SUBMARINES. In cases where three or more sub-
marines are nested at the same berthing space, the steps outlined above would
be used to extend the hose the entire distance from the pier to the boat to
be connected. The shore or tender crew will see to it that sufficient hose
is available to form a continuous line from the boat to the pier or tender
riser. One criterion for judging the necessary length of hose is: where
two submarines are nested, it takes 400 feet of hose to connect the three
deck risers of the outboard submarine to the pier.
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