Custom Search
should be addressed:
(1) Determine if the damaged line is vital to mission support.
(2) Establish a repair priority if more than one line is damaged.
(3) Determine if the distribution line can be plugged and abandoned.
(4) Determine if debris removal and ordnance disposal is required.
(5) Determine what safety issues need to be addressed.
(6) Determine what personnel, tools, and equipment are required for repairs.
b. Repair Materials. See appendix A. Other products suitable for sewer repair are
available, but couplers specified for water and POL utilities will also work on sewer
applications. Their common usage avoids the necessity to stockpile an excess of materials.
c. General Tools and Equipment. See appendix B. In addition to the list in appendix
B, vent fans and portable generators are also recommended.
d. Repair Consumables. See appendix C.
(1) Ensure ordnance has been cleared from area.
(2) For below ground repairs, remove sewage sludge as required so that
damaged piping is exposed to the extent possible so that preliminary damage assessment can be
(3) For below ground repairs remove debris and excavate until damaged pipe
section is fully exposed so that secondary damage assessment can be performed. Continue to
excavate around the damaged piping until undamaged pipe sections are found. The pipe sections
must be round and in close alignment.
f. Installation. See appendix D. For sewer applications, only snug: down the bolts.
Do not torque to recommendations.
g. Safety Precautions. Normal safety practices should be followed. Particular care
should be given to health related issues associated with work around raw sewage. Ensure that
adequate ventilation is present at all times. Upon completion of temporary repairs, the trench
should be covered with plywood or steel matting until permanent repairs are made.