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Flat: Use high side of current range; weave up to 2
TYPE: STEEL - ARC (low-alloy, high-strength
1/2 times diameter of rod.
steels) AWS/ASTM E-11018
Vertical: Make root pass with a straight upward
progression - short arc. Some welders prefer a "V"
NSN: 9GD 3439-00-165-4167 (1/8X 14)
shape motion for root passes. Hesitate at "V" point in
9GD 3439-00-165-4165 (5/32X 14)
the root to assure penetration. Each "V" leg should be
about 1/8 inch. Do not use whipping motion. On
subsequent passes, weave across the face of the root to
continuously build up a shelf. The weave should pause
POLARITY: AC or DC Reverse
at the sides of the first pass to clear out trapped slag.
Overhead: Use only stringer beads. Fillets should be
made with electrode at a 30-degree angle off the
1/8 - ll0 to 150
vertical leg.
5/32 -120 to 200
Horizontal: Use stringer beads for fillets; direct rod
into joint at a 45-degree angle. On subsequent passes.
use only stringer beads.
Primary: Joining of low-allow, high-strength steels
such as T-1, HY-80, HY-90, HY-100, SSS100 and
Jalloy 90 and 100.
Fast, efficient metal transfer. Deposits have good
Secondary: Substitute for buildup for wearfacing.
X-ray quality and excellent tensile and impact
(NOTE: This rod is prefened over mild steel
electrodes for wearfacing buildup.)
Tensile Strength: 110,000-114,000 psig
Hold a short arc and use a slight weave.

Western Governors University

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