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Carbon Steel Welding
Use the forehand method, which requires the welding
Carbon steel welding is done in a fixed horizontal
to be done uphill. Hold the end of the inner cone about
position. Edges are prepared by machining, grinding,
1/4 - 1/8 in. from the molten puddle at an angle of
or flame cutting. Remove all oxidized metal with a
20-250 from a perpendicular line to the welding
grinder before any flame cutting welding is done. All
surface. Protect the molten puddle from any drafts.
slag, scale, rust, paint and other foreign material 1 in.
Apply filler metal by melting the end of the rod into
from both edges, top and bottom, must be removed
the molten puddle (dip method). If a weld requires
before welding.
more than one pass, file or grind the preceding pass to
remove all oxides. It is important that 100 percent
The bevel must be 40 degrees on each part or 80
penetration be achieved. No under cuts are permitted
degrees included angle minimum. It should have a
in the base metal at the edge of the weld. Deposit the
sharp edge; no land is allowed. Tack the joint at four
weld metal so that it has a 1/16 - 1/8 in. reinforcement
equally spaced points with a minimum of 1/8 in.
and gradually increases from the center to the edge of
spacing. The tacks must be filed or ground to remove
the weld.
all oxides and tapered out to each edge of the tack.
Use calibrated flow meters to keep the ratio of MAPP
Remove all oxides, scale, paint, grease, and other
gas to oxygen at 1:2.7. This gas flow ratio is very
foreign materials before welding starts and between
critical and must be maintained. The flame will appear
passes. Remove all cracks, pinholes, cold laps, and
oxidized areas with a grinder before making the next
pass. Preheat and/or stress relieving procedures are
unnecessary except when the National Welding Code
requires them.

Western Governors University

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