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7.  Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) Work.  All individual maintenance and
repair jobs equal to or exceeding 32 work hours; all painting work
equal to or exceeding 200 square feet in area, change of occupancy
work within housing maintenance, boiler overhauls, and individual
maintenance and repair jobs in combination with construction and
alteration work or with painting equal to or exceeding 200 square
8.  Engineered Performance Standards (EPS).  A job estimating system
developed for the Department of Defense.  EPS is the average time
necessary for a qualified craftsman working at a normal pace,
following acceptable trade methods, receiving capable supervision,
and experiencing normal delays to perform defined amounts of work of
a specified quality.  EPS handbooks are available in electronic
format from Naval Facilities Engineering Command Engineering Field
Divisions.  Attachment J-E
contains a list of available EPS
9.  Facilities.  Industrial property for production, maintenance,
research, development, or testing, including real property and
rights, therein, buildings, structures, improvements, and built-in
10.  Frequency of Service.  Unless otherwise noted, services
designated with the following frequencies shall be performed at
intervals specified:
a.  Annual (A).  Services performed once during each 12 month
period of the contract at intervals of 335 to 395 days.
b.  Semi-Annual (SA).  Services performed twice during each 12
month period of the contract at intervals of 160 to 200 calendar
c.  Biennial (BA).  Services performed once every 2 years on a
date or during the month specified.
d.  Quarterly (Q).  Services performed 4 times during each 12
month period of the contract at intervals of 80 to 100 calendar days.
e.  Monthly (M).  Services performed 12 times during each 12
month period of the contract at intervals of 28 to 31 calendar days.
f.  Bimonthly (BM).  Services performed 6 times during each 12
month period of the contract at intervals of 58 to 63 days.
g.  Weekly (W).  Services performed 52 times during each 12
month period of the contract at intervals of 6 to 8 days.
h.  Biweekly (BW).  Services performed 26 times during each 12
month period of the contract at intervals of 13 to 15 days.

Western Governors University

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