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<1> Enter Frame Material. Enter
frame material, aluminum or steel,
in field (a) of the Frame Cost Factor
(FCF) worksheet (see Appendix B
for all worksheets). Proceed to
<1> Enter Frame
<2> Enter Frame Thickness. Enter
thickness of frame in field (b) of the
FCF worksheet. Proceed to <3>.
<3> Get Frame Type Cost Factor.
<2> Enter Frame
Based on frame material and
thickness, select the applicable
frame type from Table 35 and
retrieve a corresponding type cost
factor. Enter the cost factor in field
<3> Get Frame
(c) of the FCF worksheet. Proceed
Type Cost Factor
to <4>
<4> Does the Frame Require a Sub-
Frame? If the frame will have to
resist blast and will be poured in
<4> Does the
place, it will need a sub-frame.
Frame Require a
Proceed to <5>. Otherwise,
proceed to <6>.
<5> Enter Sub-Frame Cost Factor.
Put 2.0 in field (d) of the FCF
<6> Enter Cost
<5> Enter Cost
worksheet. Proceed to <7>.
Factor for No
Factor for
<6> Enter "No Sub-Frame" Cost
Factor. Put 1.0 in field (d) of the
FCF worksheet. Proceed to <7>.
<7> Enter Frame Size. Enter the
<7> Enter Frame
perimeter dimension of the frame in
field (e) of the FCF worksheet.
Proceed to <8>.
<8> Calculate Cost Factor per Frame.
<8> Calculate
On the FCF worksheet, multiply
Cost Factor per
fields (c), (d), and (e) together, then
put the result in field (f). Proceed to
<9> Enter Number of Frames. Enter
<9> Enter Number
the number of frames required for
of Frames
the facility in field (g) of the FCF
worksheet. Proceed to <10>.
<10> Calculate Frame Cost Factor. On
<10> Calculate
the FCF worksheet, multiply fields
Frame Cost
(f) and (g) together, then put the
result in the field (h). This value is
the frame cost factor. Return to
Figure 34.
Figure 39
Process Chart and Description:  Frame Cost Estimate Procedure

Western Governors University

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