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1.  This publication is issued to provide guidance to Architect-Engineer (A&E) firms
performing services for the Department of the Navy, Atlantic Division, Naval Facilities
Engineering Command (LANTNAVFACENGCOM). It is essential that all A&E
personnel and associates responsible for preparing plans, specifications, cost estimates,
studies or other services, follow all procedures and instructions outlined herein All
A&E contracts issued by LANTNAVFACENGCOM reference this guide as part of the
contract. This also includes A&E contracts issued by:
OICC Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia
EFA Med Naples, Italy
Contract services of this nature fall into three broad classes:
a.  Architect and Engineering Services related to construction, maintenance,
alteration or repair of shore facilities. The product of this class of service is a set of
construction documents; i.e., drawings, specifications, cost estimate and pre and post
design support such as soil borings, site topography, and construction surveillance.
b.  Engineering Services related to planning, inspection, study and project
development for existing or proposed facilities. The product of this class of service is
normally a study or report.
c. Environmental studies and remedial designs in accordance with Federal /
State / Local environmental laws and regulations.
3.  A firm providing contract services to the Navy will be the Designer of Record and
will incur the usual professional responsibilities and liabilities for the specific
project/task. We evaluate design changes which occur during construction and
actively pursue A&E liability if appropriate. The Designer of Record should become
familiar with the contract terms and content of this publication with respect to pre and
post construction design responsibilities. Problems typically encountered in several
critical areas of project development are listed below in an effort to focus your
attention. These areas should receive special emphasis as applicable.
a.  FIELD WORK - Properly conducted field and condition surveys are essential.
This data must be complete, accurately documented and appropriately incorporated
into the plans and specifications to avoid large and expensive change orders and
construction delays.

Western Governors University

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