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One alternative to consider when soil contamination occurs would be to determine if
the debris trail follows a geometric pattern; i.e., only under the pipe runs. If this is true,
it might be more economical to treat those areas, only, by removal. However, the
requirement for soil removal should be backed by laboratory tests and proper
interpretation of the law as it pertains. If soil surface contamination exists, removal of
the debris, only, may be adequate if subsequent air and soil samples indicate an
acceptable environment. If contamination is not found, the following statement shall be
placed on the drawings beside the crawl space: "Soil (debris) has been tested and
found to be asbestos free." When soil samples show contamination, the statement, "Soil
(debris) is contaminated with asbestos" shall be used. Similar situations occur in other
areas of a building, such as mechanical rooms, attics and high truss areas, and spaces
between floors. In attics, the ceiling and/or the insulation above it would be treated
like the soil previously mentioned. The appropriate statement would then have the
format: "The
area is contaminated with asbestos (debris)."
(2) Partial Cleanup: A project where insulation has been tested as
required and some asbestos has been found, and only the pipes/materials being
worked on will be reinsulated or removed and replaced. This could happen in a crawl
space, attic, mechanical equipment room, high truss area above ceilings, pipe chases
and other areas. In these cases, the following note shall be placed on the plumbing or
mechanical drawings, as well as drawings of other disciplines which will be
performing work in area: "Asbestos is present in the
area. Protect all
personnel within this asbestos area during the entire construction period by complying
with 29 CFR 1926.58." Also when appropriate, along with the 35% submittal, address a
letter to the Station with the following comments: "Asbestos laden pipe insulation was
found during sampling on the following lines and it is likely that asbestos insulation
exists beyond the limits of this project." Then list the pipe lines involved. A similar
scenario would be appropriate for new electrical work in existing manholes. Cables
that are not to be worked on need not be cleaned. However, the contractor must be
warned about the potentially hazardous environment.
(3) No Cleanup: A project where the building is older than 1975 and no
work is to be done on existing piping or asbestos suspected materials (i.e., apparently
no testing required). However, the A&E should consider that, when running new
piping or conduit in an older building, the existing finish materials that require drilling
and cutting to allow the work to pass, or the spaces, especially attics and crawl spaces,
through which the work must pass may be asbestos contaminated. Testing should be
done and the existing asbestos identified. In this scenario, the same note shall be
applied to the drawings as if it was a Partial Cleanup: "Asbestos is present in the
area. Protect all personnel within this asbestos area by complying
with 29 CFR 1926.58."

Western Governors University

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