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at the end of the transferred load. The area must be protected by railing, mechanical or electrical
devices that prevent transfer or the unload area must be raised at least 18" above the floor.
5.3.3 Feeding Conveyors
As shown in section 1 of this Chapter, there are different types of feeding conveyors that can
be used in conjunction with these lifts. Refer to the requirements of Chapter 15 for making
inspections of these devices.
5.4.1 Car Top
A top-of-car operating device is required on lifts where gross load exceeds 1500 pounds.
5.4.2 Sill Clearance
The clearance between car and hoistway sills shall not exceed 5 inches. The additional
clearance is allowed for some transfer device designs. The transfer device shall not project
beyond the landing sill line unless solid guides are used. Be sure to check guide shoe clearances.
Any appreciable wear will result in problems.
5.5.1 Buffers
Spring buffers may be used up to and including 300 feet per minute lifts. Strokes of both
spring and oil buffers have been reduced in comparison with the required stroke distances of
buffers for passenger and freight elevators. The reason for the difference is the fact people do not
ride the equipment.
5.5.2 Safety Devices
The requirement on safety devices is also changed. Broken or slack rope safeties are allowed
for speeds of 100 feet per minute or less and type A safeties are allowed for speeds of 200 feet
per minute or less. Safeties are required on dumbwaiters where the gross load exceeds 1500

Western Governors University

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