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Custom Search Operation. Operation of the elevator through sidewalk openings must be from the
sidewalk location. Operation must be by means of key operated, continuous-pressure type up
and down switches or by continuous-pressure type up and down operating buttons at the free end
of a detachable, flexible cord not more than five feet in length. Controls should be within 18"
horizontally of the side of the door. Verify that controls provided for sidewalk operation meet
these requirements. Operation from the car was previously checked. (The car should not lift
doors using car controls.) Using sidewalk controls run the car up, lifting the doors. Verify free
operation and note that the doors cannot open more than 90 degrees from their closed position.
Run the car in the downward direction; the sidewalk screens (if provided) and doors should
automatically begin to close. With the sidewalk doors (screens) partially closed, verify that
other operating controls on the car or other landings will not function as long as bow iron is in
contact with the sidewalk door or screens. (Only sidewalk controls should function.) Sidewalk
controls should be weatherproof type if exterior to the building or exposed to weather.
6.2.4 Machine Spaces And Machine Room Inspection Introduction. Divisions 104 and 204 (hydraulic) of the A17.2 Manual describe the
various inspections that are made in the overhead machinery space and machine room. The
beginning of this section describes various safety precautions that should be followed when
making this part of the inspection. Use Division 104 to make machine room inspections of
sidewalk elevators with special considerations noted hereafter. Machine room equipment can be
of the electric or hydraulic type. Each has special requirements for inspection as hereafter noted. Electric Safety and Governor. If sidewalk elevator speed does not exceed 50 fpm, broken
(slack) rope safety devices may be used and governors are not required. Check car speed if no
governor is noted. If a governor is provided, follow inspection procedures outlined in the A17.2
Manual explicitly. Drive Sheave or Drum. Traction or drum sheave wear is usually detected by finding
metal particles under the sheave. However, an inspector should watch for the signs that lead to
wear before results are seen. The major cause of wear is uneven rope tension. The sheave is
designed to carry the load spread over all the ropes. When one is under more tension than the
others, this load is transferred to the tighter rope. This can usually be seen by laying a straight
edge across the ropes in the drive sheave grooves. (See Figure 2-9 and 2-10).

Western Governors University

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