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Custom Search Governor. Type A safety devices are required on traction and winding drum elevators.
Check governors for proper maintenance. All parts should operate freely, but not have excessive
play. Safety jaws should be clean and free from lubricant. Slack Cable or Chain Device. Check the slack cable/chain device. Power should be
removed from the elevator system if the suspension means breaks or goes slack for any reason. Clearance. Observe the machine space and all equipment for general cleanliness and
unsafe conditions. Space should be adequately lighted and ventilated. Equipment should be
guarded. Controls. Check control panels. Equipment must be grounded and properly fused. Look
for worn or burnt components, broken or abraded insulation and wiring, loose connections and
disconnected wires. The mainline switch should be arranged so that it can be locked when
6.4.6 Inside The Hoistway Inspection Buffers. Pits with buffers and bottom runby conforming to regular traction elevators are
required. Pit. Pit should be clean and dry, free of stored material. Pit equipment should be clean
and free of rust. Check operation of the light switch, light and stop switch. Hoistway. Only pipes or wiring related to elevator operation should be located in the
elevator hoistway. Check that all equipment is securely fastened, clean, properly lubricated and
not rusted. Check hoist ropes for uniform tension, breaks and wear. Cables must be properly
lubricated and free of rust and red rouge. Counterweights. Counterweights must be guarded in the pit and in the hoistway
wherever accidental contact might occur. Protection must reject a 1" diameter ball. Normal rules
apply if occupied space is located below the pit. Car Safety Device. Visually check car bottom for cleanliness. Observe safety device to
determine that parts are free to operate.
6.4.7 Periodic Inspection And Tests
The A17.1 Code indicates that special purpose elevators are subject to routine and periodic
tests (Rule 1010.6). Procedures and methods described in the A17.2 Manual for electric and
hydraulic elevators should be applied when inspecting special purpose elevators.

Western Governors University

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