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shall be noted with an indication as to the cause of these discrepancies and the measures
taken to correct them, including recommendations to higher authority. If necessary, con-
tinue on blank sheets.
(17 thru (20) Summary of Deficiencies. This part provides a summary of
estimated deficiency costs discovered during the inspection, classified by the method for
accomplishing the deficiencies correction. Data for Columns 19 and 20 are taken from
Columns 25 and 26, classified by the mark in Column 24. Data for Columns 17 and 18
shall be taken from Columns 19 and 20 of the previous report.
(21) thru (28) Deficiencies. The deficiencies discovered during the
inspection are to be listed in Columns 21 through 28, except that deficiencies of a
housekeeping nature (for example, items costing less than $1,000 to correct) are not to
be shown. When corrective action on any deficiency has been initiated, but not com-
pleted, the deficiency should be listed and a notation "Started" placed in Column 25 or
26. Deficiencies corrected before the inspection is completed should not be listed. Data
is required for three classifications of deficiencies: (a) those requiring corrective action
within the ensuing twelve months, (b) those requiring corrective action within the ensu-
ing twenty-four months, and (c) those requiring corrective action only when the proper-
ty is reactivated for mobilization production.
List separately each deficiency to be included in the
(22) Description.
summary, including the apparent cause and effect on the property if the deficiency is not
promptly corrected.
(23) Quantity. For each deficiency listed in Column 22, indicate where
appropriate, the quantity involved in correcting the deficiency. For example for paving,
1000 SY; for concrete work, 20 CY; for pipe replacement, 1275 LF.
(24) Mark. Each deficiency which should be corrected within the ensuing
12 or 24 month period shall be identified to indicate correction responsibility. The mark
to be applied shall be determined by the Major Claimant's field representative as fol-
(a) For those deficiencies in outleased Departmental Reserve Plants,
or outleased plants of the National Industrial Plant Reserve, in the custody of GSA, that
should normally be corrected by the lessee at his own expense under the terms of the
(b) For those deficiencies in outleased Departmental Reserve Plants
that should be corrected from maintenance funds provided by the lessee in lieu of cash
rental under the terms of the lease, and as directed by government representative for

Western Governors University

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