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Number of Workstations Per Floor
1.  The RCDD should consult with the major claimant to
determine the projected occupancy.
Projected Occupancy
2.  Determine the number of potential occupants over the life
of the building by dividing the usable square footage by 10 sq. m
(100 sq. ft.).
Usable sq. m (sq. ft.)
Maximum number of occupants =
10 sq. m (100 sq. ft.)
3.  Use the greater of 1. or 2. above as the number of
potential workstations to be served.  Even if horizontal cables
are not initially run in this quantity, the pathways, backbone
cables, telecommunications closets, and entrance facility must be
constructed to eventually support workstations.
Headquarters.  Telecommunications cables and pathways
serving headquarters facilities, especially those housing flag
and general officers, will require sufficient capacity to support
unique point-to-point circuits in addition to the requirements
outlined above for general administrative buildings.  The
designer should investigate the requirements for the following:
a)  Additional entrance facilities to support above
standard numbers of telephone and LAN cabling;
Antenna entrance facilities;
c)  Additional fiber optic strands in the backbone for
non-multiplexed circuits;
d)  Expanded equipment room requirements to house voice
switching equipment, above average amounts of electro/optical
fiber optic convertors, multiplexers, transceivers, and
communications and digital service units (CSUs/DSUs) for T-1
circuit terminations and bandwidth on demand multiplexers and
coder/decoder (CODEC) for video teleconferencing;

Western Governors University

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