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A.  Assuming a population density of one workstation every
10 sq. m (100 sq. ft.), a dedicated telecommunications closet for
a building or floor which comprises less than 1,000 sq. m.
(10,000 sq. ft.) should be sized as follows:
Service Area
Closet Size
Less than 500 sq. m (5000 sq. ft.)-3.1 m x 2.2 m (10 ft. x 7 ft.)
500-800 sq. m (5000-8000 sq. ft.)-3.1 m x 2.8 m (10 ft. x 9 ft.)
800-1000 sq.m (8000-10,000 sq. ft.)-3.1m x 3.4m (10 ft. x 11 ft.)
Greater than 1000 sq.m (10,000 sq. ft.) One closet per every
1000 sq.m(10,000 sq. ft.)
B.  For buildings or floors with usable floor space in excess of
1000 sq. m (10,000 sq. ft.), the number of telecommunications
closets may be estimated by dividing the total usable floor space
by 1000 sq. m. (10,000 sq. ft.).
Number of closets = Total usable floor space =
1000 sq. m (10,000 sq. ft.)
Horizontal Cable Installation and Termination.
Installation of fiber optic and copper distribution cables must
be performed in accordance with the instruction provided in
FIPS 174, Federal Building Telecommunications Wiring Standard as
updated in EIA/TIA 568 and the recommendations of the
manufacturer.  CAT 5 cable is designed and manufactured to
stringent standards of NEMA WC 63, Premise Telecommunications
Cables (ICEA S-90-661) so that each pair will conform to the near
end cross talk (NEXT) and attenuation parameters required to
transmit 100 MHZ over a distance of 100 m (328 ft.).  The
manufacturing process is monitored and certified by independent
third party certification entities such as Underwriters'
Laboratory (UL).  Installation of fiber optic and CAT 5 cables
requires special handling during the installation and termination
phases to prevent physical damage or alteration to the cable.  In
the case of CAT 5 cable the rate of twist and physical
relationship of the pair within the cable jacket directly affects
the electrical performance of the cable.  The negative effects
realized through alteration of the cable by twisting, kinking,
overcinching of cable ties, or sharply bending it are directly
proportional to the frequency of operation.  The rate of twist
and relationship of the pairs are contributing factors in

Western Governors University

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