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Interoperability and Performance Standards for Fiber Optic
Communications Systems, MIL-STD-188-lll
Lightning Protection Code, NFPA 780
Lightning Protection Components, UL 96
Lightning Protection, Grounding, Bonding and Shielding
Requirements for Facilities, FAA-STD-019b
Lightning Protection System, CEGS 16670
Lightning Protection System, NFGS-16670A
Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Media Access Control (MAC)
Bridging of Ethernet V2.0 in 802 Local Area Networks,
IEEE STD 802.1H (Draft)
Local Area Networks (LAN), USA COE EP 1110-3-7
Manhole Adjusting Rings, GTE 622-507-201
Manhole Construction - Concrete Floors, GTE 622-500-203
Manhole Covers - Removing and Replacing Methods, GTE 603-050-010
Manhole Ladder Hook - Description and Use, GTE 075-225-110
Manhole or Central Office Cable Vault Members and Fittings -
Description, GTE 622-705-100
Manhole or Central Office Cable Vault Members and Fittings -
Installation, GTE 622-705-200
Manhole Plates, NFGS-L-16301
Manhole - Repairing, GTE 622-500-300
Manholes and Pull Boxes - Numbering, GTE 622-508-200
Manholes, Concrete Roofs - Construction, GTE 622-500-202
Manholes, Concrete Walls - Construction, GTE 622-500-201
Manholes - Hardware, GTE 622-500-204
Manholes, Precast - Installation, GTE 622-501-200