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Figure 21.
High Security Site Entry Control Facility.
Penetration-Resistant  Barriers.  As discussed in Section 2 for
fences, consideration of various vehicle barriers and crash deterrents should
be made during gate design.  When passive and active vehicle barriers are
provided for gates, the fence line must also be hardened along those areas
subject to vehicular attack.  The designer should refer to the Naval Civil
Engineering Laboratory Terrorist Vehicle Bomb Survivability Manual, July 1988,
that has been distributed to Engineering Field Divisions and Public Works
Centers.  This manual not only has considerable detail on many active and
passive vehicle crash barriers, but provides a vehicle barrier selection
decision tree to aid the designer in selecting and designing appropriate
vehicle crash barriers for restricted area gates and adjoining security
Reinforcement of Swing Gates.  The locking mechanism and the
hinges on a security swing gate are the weakest components of the gate system.
These areas can be reinforced by combining chain and wire rope (cable) to form

Western Governors University

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