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<1> Required Level of Protection? Use the level of protection to determine which structure to go to. For a
low level of protection, proceed to <2>. For a medium level of protection, proceed to <3>.
<2> Enter Protective Measures for Low Level of Protection. Refer to Table 13 for protective measures. In
the laminated glass row of the Cross-Section Evaluation worksheet (see Appendix B for all worksheets),
enter the cross-section recommended in Table 13 into column (f). On the Frame Evaluation worksheet,
enter the word "standard" into column (f) for all frame properties. On the Wall Evaluation worksheet, enter
the word "standard" into column (f) for all wall thicknesses. Return to Figure 9.
<3> Use Threat Severity Level to Select Analysis. This is a multiple choice type selection. Follow the path
that corresponds to the attack level: low, medium, or high. If the attack level is low, proceed to <4>. If the
attack level is medium, proceed to <8>. If the attack level is high, proceed to <11>.
<4> Get Minimum Glazing Specifications for Low Level Security. Refer to Table 14 for the minimum
glazing specifications for low threat severity level requirements. Enter these specifications in column (f) of
the Cross-Section Evaluation worksheet. Proceed to <5>
<5> Get Minimum Frame Specifications for Low Level Security. Refer to Table 15 for minimum frame
specifications that meet low threat severity level requirements. Enter these specifications in column (f) of
the Frame Evaluation worksheet. Proceed to <6>.
<6> Get Minimum Anchorage Specifications for Low Level Security. Refer to Table 16, Table 17, Table
18, and Table 19 for minimum anchorage specifications that meet low threat severity level requirements.
Enter these specifications in column (f) of the Anchorage Evaluation worksheet. Proceed to <7>
<7> Get Minimum Wall Specifications for Low Level Security.
<8> Table 20 provides the minimum wall thicknesses that meet low threat severity level requirements. Enter
these specifications in column (f) of the Wall Evaluation worksheet. This step completes the forced entry
attack analysis for evaluation application procedure. Return to Figure 9.
<9> Get Minimum Glazing Specifications for Medium Level Security. Refer to Table 21 for minimum
glazing specifications that meet medium threat severity level requirements. Enter these specifications in
column (f) of the Cross-Section Evaluation worksheet. Proceed to <9>.
<10> Get Minimum Frame Specifications for Medium Level Security. Refer to Table 22 for minimum frame
specifications that meet medium threat severity level requirements. Enter these specifications in column (f)
of the Frame Selection worksheet. Proceed to <10>.
<11> Get Minimum Anchorage Specifications for Medium Level Security. Refer to Table 23, Table 24,
Table 25, and Table 26 for minimum anchorage specifications that meet medium threat severity level
requirements. Enter these specifications in column (f) of the Anchorage Evaluation worksheet. Proceed to
<12> Get Minimum Wall Specifications for Medium Level Security. Table 27 provides minimum wall
thicknesses that meet medium threat severity level requirements. Enter these specifications in column (f)
of the Wall Evaluation worksheet. This completes the forced entry attack analysis for evaluation
application procedure. Return to Figure 9.
<13> Mark Glazing Does Not Meet Minimum Specifications. Glazing will not protect against a high or very
high severity level forced entry attack. Mark the "No" check box in response to the question "Does Glazing
Cross-Section Meet Design Requirements?" at the bottom of the Cross-Section Evaluation Worksheet.
Return to Figure 9.
Figure 29
Description: Forced Entry Resistant Glazing Evaluation Procedure

Western Governors University

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